- June 21, 2012
Hi. We're Happy Cog Hosting. It's Nice to Meet You, Again!
In March of 2011, Happy Cog expanded its offerings by launching a high-end hosting service. With the help of many (see whose back we got), our introduction to hosting began. As with any new business, nothing is easy. When this service began we knew what we wanted to offer because we knew what
we sought when evaluating a hosting provider.
Along the way we stubbed our toes once or twice, but we learned a ton. We realized that the commitment required to host websites is never fully appreciated until you actually “wear the beeper,” answer the phone at 3AM, or give up your weekend for the cause. Over the past year, our client list has grown and we’ve discovered our service meets the needs of bloggers, small- and medium-sized businesses, and large organizations all over this great planet. We are eternally grateful to all of our customers and, if you’ve forgotten that we are in the hosting game, we’d like to reacquaint you with Happy Cog Hosting.
The Voodoo We Do
Every day, all day, we monitor our infrastructure to ensure 100% uptime for our customers. We also spend much of each day balancing the need for a stable infrastructure against the latest technology and refining our configuration to be the best on the market. The team behind Happy Cog Hosting is as engaged and dedicated to infrastructure services as Happy Cog is to building amazing websites. Our staff is placed throughout the United States to both offset 24/7 operations and provide a personal response to any issue that may arise, regardless of when it occurs.
Part “Nerds”
We understand that engaging a hosting provider is a leap of faith, and that customers need a provider that inspires confidence. They expect a partner, an extension of themselves, who will manage their website infrastructure so they can manage their business. This is why we chose dedicated, managed hosting as our core service, and why we take it so seriously; no one wants to be the person waiting at their desk for an update on an issue — we’ve been there, we know!
Our focus is infrastructure. We know that businesses need software support, so we’ve established a partnership program with development shops to assist customers with their software/website needs. Above all else, what we offer is always plainly stated, which is why we’ve chosen a pricing model that includes multiple servers. For the type of traffic your site experiences, you’ll need load balancing, a database, and a CDN, so we’ve bundled them together for $500 a month, comparable to the same dedicated managed configuration other hosts provide.
What’s Next
Summertime is the right time for Happy Cog Hosting to unveil a set of performance enhancements that customers can use as needed to boost their infrastructure for seasonal traffic spikes, or simply to accommodate site volume because their site rocks the interwebs all year long! We’re also working on a slightly scaled down hosting service that will honor our core bundled solution, but at a very affordable $250/month. And if that isn’t enough, look for additional hosting stacks as an alternative to our core LAMP stack solution.
If you have any questions about Happy Cog Hosting please email me at [email protected] or sign up today and start hosting with your new best partner.
Editors Note: After careful consideration, our technology partner Arcustech took over Happy Cog Hosting at the end of 2012. We can’t change history, but we can certainly learn from it. That’s why we’ve left this article intact.