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We’ve written 2 blog posts about balance. View all topics »

  1. Cog illo ces

    Back to the Basics: Experiment and Get Real Weird

    Headshot of Dana Pavlichko


    by Dana Pavlichko

    In our industry there is pressure to always be posting and sharing our work: full projects, design snippets, writing, photos, tiny thoughts, and conversations. Each of these mediums come with their own degree of expected polish.

  2. Healthy website

    A Healthy and Balanced Website

    Headshot of Yesenia Perez-Cruz


    by Yesenia Perez-Cruz

    Do you ever overcompensate? Maybe you’ve gone on an “unplugged vacation” to combat device addiction or embarked on a juice cleanse after an indulgent weekend. I’ve been there often.

    I’ll spare you the details of my “10-Day Sugar Detox,” but I can share a little about how I’ve overcompensated in my design work. You see, my early designs were chock-full of inconsistencies—every style I created had a unique embellishment. One day, I became fearful that I had become one of “those clueless designers” that frustrated developers write scathing articles about.