- October 7, 2010
Is This Thing On?
They laughed when I sat down at the HTML editor. But they cried when I began to make web pages. That was 1995. This is 2010, and we’re still doing it. Web design is no longer an occult activity for a small circle of initiates,
and we’ve gotten a bit better at it over the years. The technology has changed (you’re welcome!) but the basics are still good design, great content, and an interface that makes reading or shopping or sharing a pleasure.
And now, Cognition. The agency launched by a blog finally has a proper one of its own. Here, various friendly folk of Happy Cog will share ideas, experiments, rants, and dreams at greater-than-Twitter but less-than-A-List-Apart length. Just what the web needs, another design blog.
Speaking of experiments, there’s our comments section. Everybody knows inline blog comments are going the way of the BBS and Gopher sites of yore. We’re not ready to say “comments are dead” (we’ll leave that for Wired Magazine’s next cover story) but we have noticed the smell, and we’re doing something about it.
Kids today are more likely to respond to a blog post on Twitter than in the article’s comments section; so we’ve collocated our comments on Twitter. Share a tweet-length response here, and, with your permission, it will go there. If you are moved to respond with more than 140 characters, post the response on your website, and it will show up here. Clever, these Americans.
So that’s Cognition, and I’ll spare you the obligatory definition, if not the obligatory link. Knowing is all, and those who don’t know, blog. Happy Cognition, and thanks for listening.