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What we’re passionate about.


  1. Accessibility (4)

    Ensuring the work we do can be experienced by everyone.

  2. Ads (1)

  3. AI (1)

  4. automation (3)

  5. Back-end Development (24)

  6. Blue Beanie Day (1)

  7. Build Tools (2)

  8. business (1)

  9. Career (30)

  10. Client Relations (24)

    The precision recipe of surprises, thrills, and fulfillment we provide. For clients.

  11. Client Services (27)

  12. cog (1)

  13. Cognition (3)

  14. Cognition Roundtable (4)

  15. collaboration (21)

  16. Community (33)

  17. Company (23)

  18. content management systems (1)

  19. Content Strategy (5)

  20. Creative Direction (7)

    Hire good people and help them be great.

  21. Data Analysis (2)

  22. Design (71)

    Using type, color, space and symbols to communicate.

  23. design process (2)

  24. Design Thinking (22)

  25. details (1)

  26. developer tools (11)

  27. documentation (2)

  28. empathy (1)

  29. encouragement (4)

  30. Entropy (1)

  31. ethics (1)

  32. Events (2)

  33. Exploration (6)

  34. Family (4)

  35. Feedback (1)

  36. Focus (7)

  37. Friends (2)

  38. Front-end Development (46)

  39. git (3)

  40. Grid Systems (3)

  41. human resources (2)

  42. Illustration (1)

  43. inner critic (1)

  44. Internships (3)

  45. journaling (1)

  46. listicle (1)

  47. marketing (7)

  48. Meeting Design (3)

  49. Mobile (1)

  50. modernism (1)

  51. native vs web (1)

  52. Networking (1)

  53. opinion (2)

  54. order (1)

  55. Organization (1)

  56. Paid Media (3)

  57. painting (1)

  58. patents (1)

  59. Persuasion (4)

  60. Photoshop (7)

  61. Post-Processing (1)

  62. print (1)

  63. privacy (1)

  64. Process (95)

    How to succeed (and sometimes fail).

  65. Product management (1)

  66. Professional Development (6)

  67. Project Definition (3)

    Wait a minute, what exactly are we building here?

  68. Project Management (31)

    Cats, dogs, deliverables, phases: how we herd them into a nice, “delivered on time” line.

  69. Proof of Concept (2)

  70. Prototyping (8)

  71. psuedo-classes (1)

  72. Quality Assurance (3)

  73. reading (1)

  74. readme (1)

  75. reputation management (2)

  76. Research (4)

  77. responsive images (2)

  78. RFP (3)

  79. Sales (16)

    In which Happy Cog staff discuss the dance steps before the design engagement.

  80. samsung (1)

  81. script (1)

  82. SEO (5)

  83. Site analytics (2)

  84. Space (1)

  85. Standards (4)

  86. Strategy (31)

    Some have pronounced it “strategery.” We, on the other hand, are talking about strategy that actually works.

  87. SVG (1)

  88. SXSW (3)

    Thoughts and musings on Happy Cog’s love love relationship with the annual interactive conference, SXSW.

  89. Team (43)

  90. Technology (6)

  91. tedx (1)

  92. tenure (1)

  93. The Happy Cog Way (11)

  94. Tutorial (2)

  95. UI (1)

  96. Usability (4)

  97. User Experience (11)

    The mysterious (and frequently debated) intersection of design, interaction, usability, information architecture, and that secret special sauce that combine to make something greater than the sum of its parts.

  98. User Testing (2)

  99. Values (4)

  100. voice (1)

  101. Wearables (1)

  102. Web (5)

  103. web design (1)

  104. Webfonts (1)

  105. wisdom (2)

  106. Work/Life Balance (8)

  107. WordPress (1)

  108. Craft (1)

  109. Google (1)

  110. Google Analytics (1)

  111. GA4 (1)


3-hour-rule 37signals 4B-4Life a love story account management Advice Agile agility always analog animation Apple Architecture Assessment Audience audio Autoprefixer balance Basecamp best practices Biz Dev blackberries Blog Design Books Branding Breaks Breath Mints Browsers Budget Business Development Career Development cms code snippets Commerce Communication Composting Confidence Content Content Outline conventions conversation Copyright Courage coworking craft Criticism Critique CSS css3 Culture Dating deployment Designers who code Development discovery DIY Doctype Drawing DRM Education Efficiency Ego-Depletion Email Experiments Failure FAQs First Impressions flash Fortitude Gender geolocation graduation Graphic Design grids growth Halo Higher Education Hiring Holidays Hosting hovers HTML5 Illustrator Impostor Syndrome Inspiration intern life Interview Interviewing iOS iTunes JavaScript jQuery just for fun learning legacy Managing Design maps Meetings Megadesk mentorship Methodology Mindset Money Moving Music newspapers observation office office pen pals Operations organizational growth partner selection Partnerships Patience Pattern PDD PDF performance performance budget Personality php Planning Polymaths post grad presentations Productivity project health project plan promises Public Speaking Q&A Recipes relationship building Relationships renovation Requirements resolutions Responsive Design Résumés Robocop Rule of Three rwd sass Scaling scrolling Semantics Simple Reminders Site Week Spec stakeholders Statistics style guide Systems Taste Taxonomy Team Building Testing Theft thehappycogway tools travel trust Twitter Typography UIE Vector vendor selection Waterfall Web Standards Welcome Wireframes Wishes Work Habits Work Place XHTML Zombies Google Headless CMS Digital Marketing Accessibility Internal Tools